27] Carpet, By Robert Byrne (Imagine 2.9 and higher)

Here's the attributes for a mottled carpet I did for a room floor, apply it to a plane with its Z axis perpendicular.

Object Attribs R G B Value
Color 185 86 0
Roughness 192
Phong Off
All other settings to default.

Add Fuzz Texture:
 Column One     Two
       30         0.6
        1       210
        0.35    105
        0.4      20
        1         0
        4         0
        0.2       0
        0.7       0

Apply then the Splotch Texture as follows:
 Column One     Two
        1         0
        1         0.6
        0.9       0.55
        0.83      0.6
        0.65      0.7
        0.73      0.8
        1         0.9
        0.5       1

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[email Ernie]